Why We Love It

  • Improved Bonding

  • Better Sleep for Baby

  • Increased Confidence with Baby Handling

  • Improved Positive Interaction

  • Gentle Stroking

  • Massage Routine

  • Singing & Play

Baby Massage involves gently stroking each part of your babies body in a calming, rhythmic way.

As part of the massage routine, your might gently manipulate your baby's ankles, wrists and fingers

Singing, humming and talking softly to your baby while massaging them, to help create a sense of calm & reassurance for your baby

It Was Introduced Over 30 Years Ago

In neonatal wards as a means of supporting the development of premature babies who were in intensive care units. A study that was carried out in 2004 found that those babies who were massaged actually spent less time in hospital and had slightly fever postnatal complications and better scores on their developmental tests.

Explore the Benefits

  • Relieves Symptoms

  • Improves Circulation

  • Encourages Better Sleep

  • Great For Bonding

Gas and constipation can be very uncomfortable for little ones and as parents we naturally want to do everything we can to ease our babies’ discomfort. When it comes to colic, gentle massage can help to relax the infant and relieve the pressure that can build up in the abdomen. Massage can also help to stimulate the digestive system and promote regular bowel movements, easing constipation and built up gas.

The gentle, rhythmic strokes of baby massage can help to improve circulation by promoting the movement of lymph fluids and blood around the body. This can help to reduce congestion and swelling, as well as promoting healing. Additionally, the relaxed state induced by baby massage can help lower stress levels, which can, in turn, positively impact circulation. By reducing stress, the body can better focus on healing and repair.

Physical contact releases oxytocin in the brain, a hormone that promotes bonding and relaxation. The gentle touching also has the effect of stimulating the production of serotonin, another hormone that helps improve mood and promote calm. In addition, massage can help to relax tight muscles, ease colic pain, and improve digestion. As a result, regular massage can effectively encourage better sleep for both babies and their parents.

It’s great for your baby's development, but it's also an opportunity for you to connect with your little one on a physical and emotional level. When you massage your child, you're not only helping to relieve any discomfort they may be feeling, but you're also communicating your love and care.

we love to provide

A Truly Soothing & Calm Experience

Our tinypetals baby massage class offers you a way to bond with your child while providing a calming and soothing experience. We're confident that you'l lcreate memories that you'll treasure for a lifetime

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